Guardians: The Fallout Page 3
In the end, the team went to West Africa to locate Julian. Once we got there, Akons were waiting. They were lead by the darkest and most powerful soul, the first Akon, whose name is Rage. Yes, the same Rage that I’ve just spent the past couple of hours kissing.
So, how did I go from dating the leader of a group of Angels to the leader of soulless demons? Well, let me just say right here and now that I am not with Rage. He’s something I fell into…
And I didn’t cheat on Marcus; he’s left me to be with Emmy. Yes, the same Emmy that The Sage said would prove to be the end of him. He left me and ran off to be with her six days ago. I have not talked to any of them since that night. I have no idea what’s going on back at the house.
Suddenly my cell vibrates once again. Damn, can I just get a minute? Yeah, I know it’s been more than a minute but I’m just not ready to go back there. Why won’t they just leave me alone? I roll my eyes knowing full well that the Guardian part of me will eventually give in and go see who has called. Not that I will call back, but I should know who’s on the other end.
I go over to the nightstand where my cell phone lay shaking. I pick it up and see the word “Pretty” flashing on the display screen. It’s Miku. Marcus calls her “pretty,” short for “Pretty deadly.”
I have even been avoiding her calls. I did that because I know she’s gonna try and get me to go back and I’m not ready. Plus she’d try to cheer me up and, really, there is no need to cheer me up.
There is another reason why I don’t pick up; I would have to tell her what I just did and who I did it with. Over time she and I have become very close and I would feel bad if I held out on her. But at the same time I am not ready to discuss Rage, not that there is anything to discuss.
Still, she would ask questions I don’t have answers to. My cell shakes again; I send it to voice mail. Pretty, please forgive me.
I go over to the window where the rain is about to get harder because I’m thinking about him. Sure enough, the rain is now coming down twice as hard. Rage was right; I was gonna end up flooding New York. I tried to stop. “Just think about something else,” I instructed myself. And so I do.
I think about what we learned in the past three months regarding the place where the Triplex could be. We learned that it had to be in a place where both good and evil had access. We also learned that it was a place where all three council members would be represented. That means Time, Fate, and Death; all had to be able to exist in that place. Also, because the Triplex is always in the same place as where the current Sage is, we know that the Triplex is somewhere in New York City.
Just then my cell goes off once again. Frustrated, I finally go over to turn it off. I hate the sound it makes as it vibrates against the wooden nightstand. I want some damn quiet. I pick up my cell and glance at the screen as I go to turn it off. It’s a number that I don’t recognize. No one has my number aside from the team. My curiosity gets the better of me, so I take the call.
“What?” I ask coldly.
“Who is this?”
“Someone who can help you.”
“Help me how?”
“By making Marcus and Emmy’s relationship go away.”
“What? Look, I don’t know—“
“--Meet me in an hour.” I pause for moment, then I surprise myself and ask the Caller where he’d like to meet.
He replies, “Hun’s Market.”
Hun’s Market is a makeshift market the pops up in various places. Everything sold there has been banned by the council for being too dangerous. That is why the location of the market keeps changing, so as not to be detected. It could be in Boston one day and in Egypt the next.
At the Market you can usually find Sellers (they are humans who have stolen and cheated all their lives but died in a great moment of heroism. They are granted eternal life). The second kind of people you are likely to find there are Runners (humans who sold their souls to Lucy in exchange for riches) and Demons. The truth is nothing good ever happens at Hun’s Market.
It was named after Hun, the darkest and most sadistic soul that Lucy ever acquired. Hun made weapons that aided in the gathering of souls and bring them to the dark side. Atourum (aka Lucy) was made to get rid of him. But rumor has it, Hun was never really destroyed.
Why does the caller want to meet there of all places? How did he even know where the market was? Could this be a trap set out by the Akons? If it is, Rio will read my color wave. He’ll see that I’m in trouble and I’ll have back up if I need it. I really hope it is an Akon that called. I feel like kicking some ass right now.
What if it’s Rage? Can I kick his ass when only moments ago, he was holding me?
“Damn right I can,” I announce as I get my things and head out into the pouring rain. The caller had given me the address to meet up. Apparently the Market is in Las Vegas. That’s just what that city needs, more evil.
As I go to hail a cab, I notice the discount store at the end of the block. I have been meaning to read up on the news. I need to know what’s happening in the world of Angels. And as much as I hate the Splash, they are the only source of information.
It’s not a newspaper that uses actual paper. The news is inside an empty snow globe. You have to take it and throw it against the wall. When it breaks, water splashes out and forms words on the surface. It’s mostly just fluff and gossip. But there is about ten percent or so of the paper that is factual. The Splash is written by Traveler Angels.
They are one of four types of angels: Travelers report to the council about the happenings in the human world. But mostly they just gossip about me and Marcus.
Then there are the Ground Walkers. They are the most famous ones because they help give humans courage to change the world for the better. People like Nelson Mandela are the Ground Walkers crowning achievement.
The last two types of Angels are Guardians, and Paradise Angels (known as Para Angels).
Paras are perfect in every way and they seldom come to Earth. The only reason they do is if a force so evil comes into existence that they all need to band together.
But the truth is all Angels break a Splash and read it. Well, I don’t know about Paras, but the rest of us always do. That is except for me and Marcus. We never read it because they are always lying about us.
I head to the discount store, buy an empty globe and head to the alley. I throw it at the wall and the words gather to form the latest headline.
Crime and Punishment
By- I.M. Trouble
Well, my little winged ones, needless to say, all eyes are on the young and the restless (also known as the Guardians). As many of you know, a few days ago Rio, (the super hot twin) made a terrible mistake when he rescued kids that were scheduled to die. You all know that no one, not even a Guardian, is allowed to stop a death that was intended to happen. Well, Rio went right ahead and did just that. And so for the first time in the history of humanity, the council came down.
That’s right; they parted the sky, stopped time and every single thing on the planet to come down and rage at Rio for taking no less than thirty-three souls from Death. But they didn’t punish Rio, they punished Marcus. According to my sources, the council felt that had Marcus been doing his job, Rio would not have been allowed to break the rules. So, the council gave Marcus the worst punishment they could think of. How did they punish the First Guardian?
Well, my little winged ones, you’ll just have to wait for the next issue. But let’s just say, I talked to a demon who said that as much as he hates Guardians, even he wouldn’t have the “heart” to punish Marcus like that. Oh, it’s such a shame when bad things happen to good-looking people…
I get in a cab as I read the last words. I try to keep myself calm. The council came down here? They never do that. Maybe it’s a li
e. The Splash lies all the time. But even as I say the words, I know it’s not a lie. First of all, even the Splash wouldn’t make up something this big.
Second, Rio has always had a problem with not rescuing a soul that was about to die. When he saw the color onyx, it meant that someone was in fear for their life. But if that soul was not vital to the mission, he was not supposed to interfere.
He hated that. He and Marcus were always fighting about it ‘cause Marcus never let him save anyone. After seeing onyx, he would plead with Marcus to let him go help. Then, when Marcus says no, he storms off into his room. Then he breaks stuff. Childish but understandable.
How could Marcus let Rio take all those souls from Death? What was he thinking? Why wasn’t he there to stop him? Why wasn’t I?
I should have put all these stupid feelings aside and been there for my team. What was so bad that I had to disappear for days? Marcus…
As soon as the cab pulled up to the house, I jumped out and ran inside. We live in a five-story townhouse on the Upper West Side. Everything is top-of-the-line from the frosted doors to the chandeliers. I burst into the living room where I knew I would find the rest of my team. But no one is here except for him.
“Marcus, where’s Miku?” I ask, trying to keep my voice steady. He addresses me with coldness and muted rage.
“What do you care?” he shoots back.
“What’s going on Marcus?”
“Besides you leaving the team for days and not returning any of our calls?”
“You can scold me later. Where is Miku?”
“Out looking for a new friend if she’s smart.” That hurt. He knew it would.
“Fine, I’ll look for her myself,” I storm off and go into her room down the hall.
The door is open. I walk in and find my friend on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. Her room is neat and filled with girly things that she’s collected from all over the world.
“Pretty,” I call softly to her.
She doesn’t turn to look at me.
“Pretty, I’m so sorry. I just needed to be by myself for a while.” I go over to her bed and put my hand on her lap. I’m surprised by how much I care about her. I have not been this open with anyone since my mother or Marcus…
“I called you,” she says.
“I know.”
“I called you over and over again. You didn’t pick up once. Not once.”
“I’m sorry. But I’m here now. Tell me what’s going on, please.”
“He’s going to make a decision and then it’ll be all over.”
“What decision? What is the council’s punishment?”
She finally turns and looks me in the eye.
“You don’t know?”
“No, I just broke a Splash but they didn’t say what it was.”
“They are making him choose.”
“Choose what?”
“Which one of us will die.”
Shock and panic spreads though me as Miku recounts the events of that night. Apparently, when the Council came down, they fully intended to punish Rio. But Marcus spoke passionately about how much they needed Rio in order to complete the mission. He told them that if Rio was killed, it would leave them at a serious disadvantage. Death didn’t care but Fate and Time thought that it would be wrong to tip the scales so greatly in favor of evil.
So, they agreed on a compromise; while there had to be a penalty for breaking the rules, Marcus, as the leader, would get to choose which of the five of us he could do without. Marcus argued feverishly. But the Council was unyielding. They gave him thirty days to make a decision. Then the Council would reconvene at the top of the mountain range called Tamara Falls. There they would take the life of whichever Guardian Marcus had chosen.
“Where’s Rio?” I asked.
“He moved out.”
“He couldn’t take the way Marcus was looking at him, like he hated him.”
“Marcus doesn’t hate Rio.”
“No, Rio hates Rio. But Marcus blames him.”
“Rio had no right to save those souls. We warned him over and over again. He knew the rules,” I remind her gently.
“Rules? Are you freaking kidding me?” she barks.
“—Marcus has been breaking the rules since day one!”
“That’s different.”
“No, Ameana, it’s not. Rio broke the rules out of kindness and compassion. While Marcus breaks rules because he’s horny and wants to get it on with some human.”
“There is no rule about Marcus and Emmy getting together.”
“Are you seriously telling me this?”
“Yes, the two of them together is a huge mistake, but it isn’t a rule so…”
“So, he can go around making horrible decisions that will cost millions of lives but Rio can’t save a few kids?”
“If Rio hadn’t done what he did, Marcus won’t have had to choose.”
“No. If Marcus wasn’t too busy chasing after Emmy, he would have been able to talk some sense into Rio and none of this would have happened.”
“I know you’re upset—“
“—Upset? Death lifted my brother into the air, and began ripping his wings from his body! He was dying right in front of me. And I couldn’t do anything. If Time and Fate didn’t intervene, he would have been dead.”
“He shouldn’t have saved them, Pretty.”
She looks back at me with bitterness and suspicion.
“Do you really want to make a list of what Angels should and should not do, Ameana?”
She knows. Oh, no. She knows about me and Rage…
“Miku, what are you talking about?”
“Since when is it okay to throw an innocent human being across the room and split her head open?”
“I was out of control then.”
“Well, so was Rio. But he isn’t dating Marcus, so he doesn’t get forgiven so easily.”
“I’m not dating Marcus.”
“It doesn’t matter. You and Marcus can do countless stupid, dangerous things that put us all in jeopardy, but me, Rio and Jay, we do anything wrong and we die. How the hell is that fair?”
I sigh and stand up. We aren’t getting anywhere. Miku is too scared and angry to listen. And even if she was up to it, I don’t think she wants to listen to me of all people.
“Has Marcus made his decision yet?” I ask.
“No, but he will soon. We only have three weeks left.”
“Pretty, I’m sorry…”
She doesn’t answer me. She just looks up at the ceiling with worry etched on her face. I head out into the living room to talk to my leader. He speaks first.
“Miku blames me. She’s right. It’s my fault”
“What’s done is done,” I say simply.
“Wow, just like that, huh? Do you even care that this team is being torn apart or are you too busy playing the injured party?”
“Playing? You left me.”
“Yes, I did. And it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I’m so sorry that I had to do that. But I tried. I really did.”
“Do you know how that makes me feel? You tried to love me, but you couldn’t? I mean, wouldn’t it be easier to just stab me?”
“What was I suppose to do?”
He’s about to argue, but then thinks better of it. Deflated, he sinks into a nearby chair. When he speaks again, his voice is small and pained.
“I can’t choose. I won’t.”
“Marcus: the eternal nice guy who tries to save everyone but ends up saving no one.”
“I know you hate me and I’m gonna have to live with that. But I need your advice. What should I do?”
“Choose the Guardian who has the least amount of power. Whose loss will hurt the mission the least?”
He looks up at me and says the name that I’m certain he already knew was going to come up.
p; “Jay…”
Knowing there’s no point in pushing Marcus to make decisions he isn’t ready for, I head over to the school to see Jay. I wasn’t prepared to go a few rounds with Marcus. The stress of the encounter wraps itself around my neck like a ten-ton scarf.
My phone vibrates in my pocket. It must be the Caller again. I’m late for our meeting but I need to check on the rest of the team. I take my cell out. It’s not the Caller. It’s a text message from my phone itself. It alerts me that I have a saved message that will be erased if I don’t resave it.
I press the number that causes me to go into voicemail and listen. The message plays. Marcus’ voice fills my ear.
“Hey, I’m on Runner duty and I can’t focus because I miss you. It could cause me to miscalculate and get hurt or worse. So, I guess you better come down here and keep me company. After all, it’s your fault I’m in love with you. So, Ms. Jones, come rescue me, please?”
Then the automated system tells me that if I want to delete the message I can press “one,” or do nothing and it will once again be saved. I hear dead silence on the line. Now is the time, Mimi. I put my finger on the “One” button. Press it. It’s over for you and Marcus. Just press it.
The automated system comes back up and speaks.
“Your message will be resaved.”
The cab drops me off in front of Livingston Academy. Everyone is still inside as school has not let out for the day. But there is one guy standing outside, leaning against the railing. A very hot guy with sharp ‘hood-chic gear and sad eyes. Jay looks serious. It’s an odd look on him. He’s usually upbeat and playful.
“The second-in-command returns. Oh, joy” he says, dripping with sarcasm.
“Are you okay?”
“Considering, I’m gonna die again? Yeah, I’m great.”
Jay’s a smart guy, he knows that he is the logical choice in this matter. But this was never about logic. It’s about family. And we were his, so how can we pick him to be destroyed? Hasn’t he been through enough by losing Reese? I’m sure Jay would be surprised to know that I’m thinking about his feelings. He thinks I’m way too uncaring for that kind of thing.