Guardians: The Turn (The Guardians Series, Book 3) Page 4
Things were getting so bad, Angels were warned to walk in pairs. The Splash was reporting Redd sightings all over the world. The Council would send Angels to investigate but no one knew where Redd and I were.
Since she is neither Angel nor Demon, no Tracker could pick up her trail. Also Redd had great instincts. She knew when we had to leave and find a new hideout and when it was safe to return to an old one.
She didn’t shy away from having her picture taken. She said so long as they get her good side, she was okay with it. The Council was furious. They wanted to know how it was that they had pictures of Redd breaking the rules but they couldn’t stop her. They didn’t realize that Redd had used Trims to slow the Angel’s reaction time.
This morning Redd gave me instructions to go pick up a Traveler Angel. I was more that happy to serve. I found the Angel exactly where she said he would be—standing below the Jumbotron in Times Square.
The Angel wore a bright blue sweater with matching socks and a checkered tie. He looked like he had on Armani shades and that matched his suede briefcase. I made him get in the van. I blindfolded him and we drove upstate to our newest hideout. Once there, my owner instructed me to untie the Angel and sit him down.
After he opened his eyes, it took a few minuets for him to adjust to the light in the room. Once he was able to see, he had a look of both horror and fascination on his face. Redd smiles and greets him warmly. She instructs me to take a seat along side her. She then introduces me to the guest of honor.
“Benny, say hello to I.M. Trouble.”
“Seriously?” I ask, sounding like a kid. Not that they were paying any attention to me. They are too busy sizing each other up.
I can’t believe the Splash’s very own I.M. Trouble is in the same room with me. He is the most famous gossip writer in the Angel world.
“Hello, Redd.”
“Hello, Trouble.”
“Should I be afraid?”
“No, not at all. Benny, please bring our guest some Coy.”
Coy is liquid euphoria. I have had it before. It makes me giggle for no reason at all, but for Angels it just calms them. Anyway, it tastes like expired OJ to me so I stay away.
I pour him some Coy in a prism-shaped wine glass.
“What do I owe the pleasure of your company?” he asks.
“Well, you were so gracious to give my little adventures so much press, I thought I would return the favor.”
“Oh, how is that? Is there another one of my friend’s mansions you plan to burn down?”
“Oh, come on. Don’t be that way. I like you”
“Do you?”
“Very much; you know how you can tell?”
“You haven’t killed me yet.”
“I know you took the Oxen from that idiot Junior. That’s how you got power over the elements.”
“Of course you do. You are very good at your job”
“Miku, listen—”
“My name is Redd.”
“Okay. Redd.”
“You were saying…”
“Why are you doing all this? This craziness won’t bring Rio back.”
“Do not say his name. You do not deserve to speak his name. Ever.”
Trouble sighs and looks at the floor.
“You should not be upsetting me Trouble. After all, I brought you here to give you what you love most in the world—an exclusive.”
I notice his body perk up slightly, as did Redd.
“I knew that would get you.”
“What do you have for me?”
“The news story to top all other stories.”
“You’re gonna give me an interview?”
“No. I’m going to give you a statement.”
“Okay, I’m listening.”
He takes a small tape recorder out of his pocket and presses “record.”
“Make sure this is front page Trouble. I don’t want our friend to suffer,” she warns him in a sweet little girl voice.
“I promise.”
She made the statement. Trouble played and replayed it three times to make sure he was hearing it right. I don’t blame him. Redd’s statement was going to have a profound affect on all of us. Redd made Trouble write the article right there in front of us.
Then he used some bluish liquid and spread it all over the pages. The words gather from the page onto a snow globe-looking ball. The next day, like he promised, Redd was on the front cover of the Splash.
An Open Letter to the Council
Dear Council,
I am sure by now you have heard of the many naughty things that I and my Pawn have done. That was just fun and games. I wanted to show you just how easily things could get out of balance, but that is all over. Play time is over.
The Council has gone to great measures to educate me. You taught me how much I loved by brother by taking him away. You taught me to cherish family by taking mine away. But more importantly, you taught me good is a weakness by murdering Rio, the Angel with the most good in his heart.
I want to thank you for those lessons. The only way I can think to do that is to teach you something in return. I want you to learn about true power. And since the only way we learn is when things get taken away, I will teach you about power by taking yours away. You have three days to step down from the Council. No more Council. No more rules. Period.
For every day past the three day deadline, I will be forced to teach your followers a lesson. Until they, like me, turn on you.
“…And tho' we are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,--
One equal temper of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate,
but strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
--------Alfred Lord Tennyson
“Argh!!!” Marcus shouts in frustration as he hurls yet another Splash at the wall. We are standing in an alley a few blocks from school where Marcus has broken four Splashes in a row. Each one displays the same story: Redd’s Open Letter to the Council.
I understand his frustration. I can’t believe some of the things Miku has done. Ever since we lost Rio, it’s been one shock after another. Now Angels are on high alert. A few Para have had to come down and patrol the areas where Redd has been spotted. How did my sweet, funny friend become an Angel terrorist?
Still, even with everything that has happened, I believe that the real Miku is somewhere in there. I don’t care what dark power has invaded her; she is a good Angel in her soul. Although I’m not sure how much of her soul she currently retains.
“Marcus, you have to calm down.”
“Are you kidding? Emmy, do you see this?”
“Yes, I see it, but breaking a thousand Splashes isn’t going to change the story inside it.”
He punches a hole into the wall. The cracks spread through the entire structure.
“You’re gonna knock down the building.”
“I don’t care.”
“Do you plan on forgiving at any point?”
“I don’t know. Miku has done some really crazy things. She’s killed people.”
“I mean you. When do you plan on forgiving yourself for Miku Turning?”
He looks at me. His warm brown eyes and perfect lips always make chills run down my spine. I know this is not the time for it, but he is so hot. Well, he’s my boyfriend now so I guess I should say, “My boyfriend is hot.”
You would think I’ve gotten used to Marcus and I being together, but I haven’t. Girls like me usually just read about these things, but here he is, with me. I’ve wanted him since I first saw him. I was certain that I could only have him when I closed my eyes, but it turns out he was in love with me, too. How awesome is that?
Well, it would be more aweso
me if the world wasn’t on the verge of ending. And even more awesome still if he could stop destroying New York City property and talk to me. But he’s having a hard time with talking lately. I’m sure his team member turning evil and basically going off the deep end doesn’t help.
“It’s not your fault. You didn’t see it coming”
“But I should have. Miku’s Core was so horrendous. I should have known that she would be vulnerable.”
I had waited a long time to find out how the twins died, but now I wish I didn’t know. To think that Miku and Rio went through that kind of pain in their last moments on earth…
“Marcus, you did the best you could.”
He laughs a laugh completely void of joy.
“Ameana barely talks to me. For the first time in history, Jay actually agrees with her. We’ve lost three members of our team and we are no closer to finding the Triplex.”
“Miku is not lost. She just needs help remembering who she really is.”
“She’s an Angel running around killing humans; you can’t get more lost than that.”
“Don’t give up on her.”
“Emmy, how did this get so bad?”
“It’s not all bad.”
“Okay, then tell me. What good has come out of this? Name one good thing.”
He looks me over as if it’s the first time he’s really seeing me. When he looks at me this intensely, I get shy. As if he will look into my weird purple eyes, plain face, and curve-lacking body and change his mind. Some part of me waits for him to say it’s all been a mistake. But he never does. He doesn’t hesitate. He loves me with everything he is.
He pulls me closer. I can feel the heat coming off his body. He could snap me in two without the slightest effort. It’s so strange; he has extraordinary, inhuman strength, but his touch is so gentle. Being close to him is sweet torture.
He can’t kiss me until Ameana gives him his Rah back. If I try to kiss him, I would be thrown to the other side of the alley, probably landing on something hard and embarrassing like a dumpster. Sometimes I want him so much I am willing to take that chance.
“You know we could try to kiss again. A mild concussion isn’t really all that bad,” I say slyly.
“Emmy, no.”
“We should at least try. Don’t you want to kiss me?”
“Every minute of every day.”
“So…” I lean into him and inhale his soft spring scent.
He leans forward and kisses me on my collarbone. Then he goes up my neck, then my ears. The heat rises from my toes, up my thighs, through my chest and gathers on my cheeks. Great, now I’m blushing as the sensation of his lips on my skin ignites every cell in my body.
I can tell he’s thinking about the Miku situation again because his body tenses up. I want to help him feel better, but how? Then it comes to me. I grab his face in my hands and go in to kiss him. A blinding light appears between us. Suddenly I watch Marcus getting smaller as my body is thrown to the other side of the alley. I go headfirst into an industrial-sized dumpster. Marcus runs up to me and concern fills his voice.
“Are you okay?”
“Why is it always a dumpster?”
He bursts out laughing. The more he tries to stop, the worse his laughter gets.
“It’s not that funny.”
“You’re right. I’m sorry—” He laughs yet again.
“Um, a little help please?”
He pulls me out of the dumpster without effort. I am covered with fast food wrappers, goop, and leftover pasta. As I clean myself up, I find him gazing at me.
“What is it?” I ask.
“I know, I look terrible. It’s a shame trash isn’t really in this year”
He takes my face in his hands. He flicks a stray noodle from my hair.
“Despite everything, I really am lucky.”
“How do you figure that?”
“I have a girl who would get herself thrown in the trash on purpose, just to make me laugh.”
“Well, I don’t know any knock-knock jokes…”
He shakes his head and says, “I love you.”
He holds me tight. I rest my head on his shoulders and pretend like we’re normal: like we are just kids who are cutting class, making out; like there is no prophecy and the lives of our loved ones aren’t in jeopardy.
“First Guardian.”
A little boy appears out of nowhere sitting on what looks like a Frisbee. I’m used to the Sage popping out of thin air on a Port now, but I remember how much it startled me the first few times.
Marcus whispers in my ear, “I swear he does that on purpose. He waits until you and I are alone and he pops up and says something to kill the mood.”
He turns to the Sage.
“What is it?”
“Are you aware of what has happened?”
“Of course I am,” he snaps. I place my hand gently on his arm to get him to calm down.
“I need to see you and your team at the shop immediately.”
“Let me take Emmy home—”
“No, bring the human. This concerns her, too.”
Disapproval darkens Marcus’s face. He is about to protest but The Sage interrupts.
“Do not waste time with objections, it will be fruitless. And the answer to your question is ’yes.’”
Just as suddenly as he appeared, The Sage is gone. Marcus runs his hands though his hair, clenches his jaw, and texts the rest of the team. The most wonderful and annoying thing about The Sage is his ability to read minds. Sometimes it’s great to have someone know exactly what you are thinking and feeling. Other times it’s a pain.
This would be one of the times when it’s a pain. Whatever question Marcus had in his head, I get the feeling he didn’t want me to know about. I also get the feeling he really didn’t want that question answered.
“I’m sorry you’re gonna miss class today,” he says.
“Who cares about that? The Sage said the answer to the question in your head is “Yes.” What was the question?”
“Emmy, you need to be in school. When this is over—”
“—When this is over, there may not be a school to go back to!”
“Don’t say that. It’s not true. I’ll figure this out.”
“Yes, but you need help. Let me help you.”
“You can help by going back to class. Forget what The Sage said. I don’t care. I want you in school. That’s where you belong”
“No, I belong with you.”
“Emmy—” He falls silent mid-sentence.
He takes a pregnant pause and avoids my eyes when he speaks again.
“I want you to have a normal life. I want you to have it for as long as possible.”
“Don’t you care what I want?”
“You know I do.”
“Well, I want this whole thing to have been a dream. And I am in class like everyone else.”
“So you agree with me?”
“No, I don’t. Because every time I have that thought, I remember that if this wasn’t happening, I never would have met you.”
“I know but—”
“You want me to be safe? You want me to be happy?”
“Then let me be with the one person who makes me feel that way. Let be with you.”
He sighs reluctantly and takes out a black square the size of flash drive. He throws it into the air and it hangs there for a second. Then it unfolds into the same device The Sage used to pop in on us. I hop onto the Port.
“I still want to know what the question was you had in your head,” I say to him just as we disappear.
By the time Marcus and I enter the fish shop where The Sage lives, the rest of the team is already there. The old lady lets us in. She never asks who we are or what we want. She just opens the door and serves us tea once we are seated.
There is always something so safe about being inside the Sage’s room. The warm dark colors and the smell of peppermint tea always make me feel comforted. Marcus thinks I’m crazy to feel that way since it is in this room we usually get the worst news.
It was in this room we found out that an ancient evil had been awakened. The Hun was so evil, even the Council couldn’t contain him. It took a lot to survive that. I still have flashes of the Hun torturing me, but I don’t dare tell Marcus. He is already obsessed with protecting me. If he found out I was still having nightmares, he’d never let me go anywhere with them.
I look around the room at what remains of the Guardians. Jay sits across from me with a big smile. He’s always smiling but I can see past that. He really misses his best friend and team member, Reese.
The thing that I love about Jay is he’s always filled with confidence, but lately that confidence has taken a hit. When the Council came down and ordered Marcus to choose who would be killed, Jay thought Marcus was going to choose him since his powers were second to that of the Twins and Ameana.
When he found out Marcus never planned to eliminate him, he was relieved, but that relief was short-lived once they lost Rio and Miku Turned.
“What it do, baby girl?” he says coming in for a big hug.
“Hi Jay!” I reply, hoping I got all the trash out of my hair.
“Um…why do you have a noodle in your ear?”
Damn it!
I heard laughter coming from the other side of the room. There sitting across from us, looking exquisite as usual, is Ameana Jones. Marcus’s ex-girlfriend is wearing black leather pants and a simple white tee. She somehow manages to make even a simple outfit look outstanding.
Peeking from just behind her t-shirt is her new tattoo. It adds an allure to an already stunning Angel. The tattoo is of a heart being stabbed and the blood drops trail down her body. Jay joked that he would love to know how far the blood drops go. Ameana said the only way he’d get a look was if she was drunk on Coy.
“I see someone’s still trying to get kissed,” she says to me with a devilish smirk.
“Hi, Ameana.”