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The Quo Page 4
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Page 4
Yes! The nearly lifeless, drug-addicted ghoul with the vastly dilapidated wings is Marcus Cane!
I inhale deeply and enjoy the sweet gift given to me from darkest evil itself. It’s a victory so delicious, so satisfying; it causes me to laugh uncontrollably. And saying it out loud makes it that much sweeter:
“The First Guardian is a Tic!”
It never fails, when you get good news, it’s almost always followed by bad. Ameana texted me to let me know she wouldn’t be coming around for a while because she had team business. I tried to hide my bliss at the thought of them trying to save Marcus’s life and failing.
That is not to say I want Ameana to be sad but Marcus should be out of the way. He’s not the Angel everyone makes him out to be. He broke Ameana’s heart. He should burn for that alone.
But he also fell for the Sage’s act and that is the reason the Angels are so screwed right now. All in all, I think Marcus deserves the painful, dishonorable mess his life has become.
The sad part is my girl will spend all her time trying to fix him. I’ve seen my fair share of Tics.
Trying to fix them is a waste of time. The truth is Tics are unfixable. The moment Marcus found whatever his drug of choice was, he threw everything away.
So now the Sage has nothing to worry about. Marcus can’t even hold his head up let alone find the Alpha’s pieces. It will take a few days but soon even the relentlessly hopeful Guardians will have to give up.
But it’s just like I thought, the “do gooders” are going to try and save him. They brought a barely alive Marcus back to their hideout. The next day they brought a Healer to look at the former First Guardian.
Judging by the blank stare on his face, the Tic has no idea what’s happening or even who he is.
His eyes are sunken and his face is emaciated. He’s a ghoulish ghost of his former self.
It’s freaking beautiful.
The Healer examines his face. She asks him questions and he does not respond. There are splotches where there used to be soul; bone where there used to be wings.
After dropping a series of mixtures into his mouth and waiting to see the color of his lips, the Healer asks to speak to the team outside.
“I’m sorry,” she said sadly.
“What do you mean?” Miku asks.
“He’s gone. He’s only survived this long because he’s a Guardian and he’s stronger than most Angels. But the fact is, he is too far gone to come back.”
“What drug is he on?” Rio asked.
“Judging by the series of grays and blues on his lips, I’d say Coy Paste.”
“How long has he been on it?” Ameana asks.
“A little over three months,” the Healer replies.
“You have to do something, you have to help him,” the twins say in unison.
“In a few minutes he’s going to require some more CP. When he can’t find it, he’s going to get very violent.”
“We can handle him. Just tell us what to do,” Jay says.
“No matter what happens, you have to deny him the drug.”
“We can do that.”
“That’s not all. He’s so far gone that not having the drug will kill him faster than if he had it.”
“Wait, so now we’re supposed to give it to him?” the Mood Ring asks.
“This is why there is only a one percent survival rate with Tics. The thing that they need the most is also the thing that’s killing them.”
“Can you stay and help us?” Jay asks.
“Yes, absolutely. He was a great leader,” she says sadly.
“Is,” Ameana corrects her.
“Oh, yes, of course. He is a great leader.”
The writing is so on the wall. Marcus Cane is dead. Has an Akon ever danced for joy? Well, that’s about to happen right now.
The only thing better than hearing that Marcus is all but dead, is watching the lame attempts by his team to get him to come back to his old self.
For the next few days they bring in Healer after Healer. They try mixture after mixture, nothing works. Sooner or later, Marcus craves the CP and he rips the room apart. It takes three Guardians to tame him.
Finally when his body realizes it won’t get the CP it craves, the withdrawal pains start. And Marcus howls and cries like a damn baby. The pain must be excruciating because at one point even I would have given him something to make it stop. Or at least make him shut the hell up.
The Healers eventually tell the team to give him the CP in fear the withdrawal pains are too much.
Okay kids, listen to the nice Akon and don’t do drugs; unless you’re a worthless, arrogantGuardian. In which case have at it. Ha, ha, ha!
The only bad part about this is watching Ameana be so concerned about that loser. She hardly has time to even text me, let alone come over. I find myself missing her. I can’t tell you how troubling that is. Sometimes when I look at the Mind Tracker, it’s not just to enjoy watching Marcus die slowly. Sometimes it’s to see her…
It’s been about a week now and not one thing has helped Marcus kick his addiction. In fact, he looks even worse than when he first started. His cheeks are more hollowed out, his feathers are all but gone and now he begs to die.
I say give the guy what he wants. Then maybe I get to see my girlfriend.
My girlfriend…
I don’t even bother telling the Sage that they found Marcus because, again Marcus is basically dead. He’s only got a day or two to live at best. That what the last Healer said. The team was so sullen and sad. I wanted to help Ameana feel better but the rest of them can suck it.
This morning they bring in yet another Healer. This guy is different. The team brings him in because the previous Healer said he was the only one of them who successfully brought a Tic back from the brink of death.
“Mr. Ayomide, thank you for coming,” Ameana greets the elderly Para.
“Now that you have seen him, is there anything you can do to help him?” Miku asks.
“There is nothing I can do. It is up to him.”
“What do you mean?” Ameana asks impatiently.
“I mean Marcus has to want to come back. He has to find a reason to want to be fully alive again.”
“We need him to save the world,” Ameana says firmly.
“That is what the world needs. But what does the First Guardian need?” They look at each other and draw a blank. The Healer speaks again with a soft and wise tone that I’m starting to hate.
“I can see that you are more than his team; you are his family. If you want to save him, you must find that which he loves more than the drug. Is there something or someone that Marcus loves more than his own life?”
Ameana reluctantly answers the Healer’s question.
“Yes. Her name is Emmy.”
As soon as it’s daylight, the team gathers in front of Livingston Academy in search of the human. I should have told the Sage where they were but again, I don’t want to risk Ameana getting hurt in the crossfire. And anyway I’m certain there is nothing this human girl can do to save Marcus or the Angel world for that matter.
I’ve run across the Emmy girl a few times. Many would say she’s brave. I say she’s stupid.
She’ll take on Runners, Pawns, Akons, anyone to save her friends and family. That’s what makes her so stupid. In the end all her efforts are in vain because she always ends up getting tortured and attacked.
I watch on the Mind Tracker as the team stands across the street and scours the crowd of students. It’s easy to spot the human; she has bizarre purple eyes. Her jet black hair is usually pulled into a boring ponytail and she seems to make a religion out of shirts and jeans.
But when the team sees Emmy standing in the crowd, they notice something is different about her. I do, too. For one thing, her hair is down, she wears jeans but her top is fitted and dare I say, tasteful.
The thing that
makes the most difference though is the smile on the human’s face. I’ve never seen her happy before. That may be because I’m usually attacking her. The team looks on as she talks with friends. She is joyful and engaging. I don’t like this new Emmy. I think she looks best when she’s in fear of her life.
“Wow,” Jay says as he looks out at the human.
“She has…friends,” Miku says, dripping with pride.
“She’s doing very well. Except…” the Mood Ring starts to say something but then thinks better of it.
“What is it?” Ameana asks.
“Nothing, she’s happy…” he replies.
“Yeah well, that’s about to come to an end,” Jay says sadly.
“You think she hates us?” Miku asks.
“Why? Because every time we enter her life, we bring death and tragedy? No, humans love that,” the Mood Ring says sarcastically.
“I wish we could leave her out of this,” Miku says.
“We can’t,” Ameana answers.
“The last time we saw her, Marcus broke her heart and she made it rain blue. Now she’s standing here happy, chill’n with her people. And we’re about to disturb her life again,” Jay says.
“We don’t have a choice,” Ameana reminds them.
“We certainly don’t now, she’s seen us,” Miku says.
The team looks over and sure enough the human has spotted them from across the street.
Her jaw drops, she says something to her friends, and sprints across the street towards the team.
She leaps into Jay’s arms.
“Jay!” she screams.
“Hey, baby girl.”
She calls out the twin’s names as she hugs both of them at the same time.
She looks at Ameana, the two exchange a polite and awkward nod.
“So, how are you?” Miku asks carefully.
“I’m great!” she says a little too quickly.
“Really?” Jay says.
“Yeah, you can ask Rio. I’m happy. I’m doing much better in school. And I’ve got a few friends I hang out with…” she says grinning widely.
“How did that happen?” Miku asks.
“Well, it turns out when you’re not being chased by demons, you have time to study and make friends.”
“That’s great,” the twins say together.
“I’m advanced in English and I made the track team.”
“Oh Emmy, that’s awesome!” Miku says, hugging her tightly.
“Thanks to being chased by Akons and demons, I’m like the second fastest one on the team.”
“I’m so proud of you, baby girl,” Jay says.
“Aw, thanks. So what are you guys doing here?” she asks.
“We need to talk,” Rio tells her.
“Okay, but where’s the rest of your team?” she says trying to sound casual.
“It’s long story,” Ameana says.
“Don’t tell me he’s—”
“No, he’s not dead,” Miku says.
Not yet.
“I’m guessing there will be no class for me today,” she says, eyeing them carefully.
“No, sorry,” Jay says.
She inhales deeply and nods. Then she spots a man with a beard crossing the street, heading towards the school.
“Hey, that’s Mr. Marx, my track coach. Just give me two seconds to tell him I won’t make practice today,” she says. The team agrees. Emmy runs back across the street and heads to the man.
“Mr. Marx, I won’t be able to—”
Mr. Marx turns to the human while she is in midsentence and sends a power ball rippling through her chest. Emmy looked like someone shocked her with a million volts. Her body goes catapulting into the air. She lands face first in a building across the street.
It never occurs to me to help Ameana because she simply never really needs it. She’s not like these other chicks; the ones who need saving every three minutes. I hate those chicks. Too much work.
But as confident as I am about Ameana’s ability, I do wish she’d get out of harm’s way.
Anything can happen in the middle of a battle. And I’m not there to help so the only thing she has to rely on is Mood Ring, Speedy guy, and a girl with a melody.
The Mood Ring runs over to Emmy to prevent Mr. Marx from attacking her again. But when Mr. Marx couldn’t get another a clear shot at the human, another “staffer” chick with red hair opens her mouth and inhales. And suddenly, Jay’s soul is being sucked out of him from across the street.
She’s a human Soul Chaser!
She continues to slowly murder Jay, who is now standing paralyzed as his soul gets ripped away from him.
I really like this red-headed chick.
Unfortunately she is too involved in taking Jay’s soul to see Miku creep up next to her. Before the redhead can counter, Miku hums a little tune and suddenly, the redhead is on the ground screaming and separating her flesh from its bones.
An elderly staff member comes out of the school, sees what’s happening and stomps her foot on the ground. Almost immediately the entire block cracks open and swallows dozens of students. Chaos and panic spread wildly through the street.
Ameana hurls a nearby truck at the old lady. It lands on her and a red splash is all that remains of the old lady.
That’s right, get her!
Thanks to Ameana the ground is finally still. She orders her team to secure Emmy and the other humans. Meanwhile the Quo continue to attack. Mr. Marx is throwing power balls everywhere making it almost impossible to get the human to safety.
It’s exactly like I thought: It sucks to be good. You have to take care of others and that slows youdown.
Here is a perfect example: Ameana is too busy helping the humans to notice the Quo behind her.
“Turn around!” I shout into the Mind Tracker.
It’s too late. The Quo grabs her by her throat and extends his hand so high in the sky only planes can get to it. Ameana is now suspended in midair with the scum’s hands wrapped around her neck.
I didn’t even notice the fireball forming in my hand. It’s only after the curtains catch fire that I realize that I’m about to burn the motel down.
“C’mon, where’s your damn team at!!!” I shout.
This is crazy. I have to go get her.
Just as I’m about to run out the door, Rio wrestles the Quo to the ground. He drops his hold on Ameana; she comes hurling towards the ground. It is a no fly zone, so her wings won’t come out.
There is nothing to stop her fall.
“NO!!!” I shout as my girl nears her death.
A dread takes over my body and causes my wings to flap furiously in the air.
She’s gone. She’s gone…
I force myself to look in the Mind Tracker and accept the image that will be there; a lifeless Ameana Jones.
But there is no silver blood on the ground; Ameana is alive and well.
Then I see her thanking Jay for a quick rescue.
Okay, so maybe her team isn’t completely worthless…
Just as they get the last human to safety, there are a string of cop cars closing in. The sirens and screaming together make a perfect chorus of horror.
“We gotta go!” Ameana instructs them.
“We need to be in the air,” the human says.
“New York is a no fly zone,” Jay says.
“Since when?” she asks.
“Explain later; run now!” Rio says.
The human and the rest of the team take off up the street. Jay speeds ahead of them and comes back with a car he’s just stolen.
“Get in!” he shouts.
They all pile into the car and head uptown.
Ameana tells Jay to go to the 72nd Street train station because that’s where she placed the entrance to the Whirlwind today. Jay follows her instructions. As soon as they get there, they jump out of the car and head underground.
The Quo are on their heels in no tim
e. All over the train station power balls are whizzing over their heads. Humans are falling and screaming for their lives left and right. Ameana tells the team to keep moving. As they bolt down the last flight of stairs, Ameana points to the entrance of the Whirlwind where their hideout can be found.
The entrance is a small rusty door along the wall of the train tracks. It has a sign that prohibits anyone from entering and warns of electric shock. It’s the perfect spot for a Whirlwind entrance.
Unfortunately, there is a train about to enter the station.
The team will not have time to jump before the train gets there and the Quo, along with dozens of armed Runners are after them, so they can’t stop. If they jump, they will collide with the train; if they don’t jump, the Quo will kill them.
“Damn it!” I roar, burning yet another portion of my motel room.
“We won’t make it!” Jay says.
“No choice, jump!” Ameana shouts.
The team and the human leap off the tracks and right into the oncoming train.
They have to be dead; all of them.
I look at the Mind Tracker fearfully and watch in amazement as all of them stick the landing and end up safely on the other side of the tracks.
“YES!” I shout, as if there is someone else there to cheer with.
But just then, the Mood Ring loses his balance and falls backwards and smashes into the oncoming train. Half of his face is missing. He cries out like a wounded lion as the remaining eyeball slides down what is left of his jaw.
My girl kept her cool. She demanded that they all focus and enter the Whirlwind. Once there, they are greeted by a funnel of wind that spins them in the air. A few moments later, they are being thrown into the living room by a gust of wind.
The Mood Ring shakes violently and moans repeatedly. Miku takes his hand. A blinding light forms between the two. It illuminates the whole room. When it finally subsides, the Mood Ring doesn’t have a scratch on him.
Okay, I’ll admit, that’s a cool ass power.
“Check on the human,” Ameana tells Jay. He goes over to Emmy who is holding her right shoulder. The power ball grazed her and left a nasty purple and blue bruise.
“Are you good?” Jay asks her.